Gold Country Travelers

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Current Year Outings

Outings 2024
For more information about our camping trips, please click on the Details link for the outing you are interested in or  click here  Outings   to inquire.


Location TBD
February 11-15

Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay KOA   Watsonville, CA    Mark and Diane Loftus, Wagon Master

Location TBD
April 24-28

 Feather Fall Casino KOA, Oroville, CA  Dick LaVergne, Wagon Master

May 14-18

Black Oak RV, Toulumne, CA  Annette and Mike Babcock and Donna and Gary Thompson co-wagon masters

June 4-8

Surgar Barge RV Park, Bethel Island, CA 25th Anniversary Outing   Contact Donna Thompson for information
July 14-18

Little Bear RV   Graeagle, CA  Ernie Curto  Wagon  Master

Ancient Redwoods RV, Redcrest, CA   Jack Diggins, Wagon Master

Sept 10-14
Vieira's Resort Isleton, CA  Debbie/Daniel Cullen and  Tim/Beth Forrester, Co-Wagon Masters

Oct 11-15
Pioneer RV Park  Quincy, CA   Donna/Gary Thompson and Dan/Eryn Strickland, Co-Wagon Masters
Heritage RV Park  Corning, CA  John and Debbie Marquardt and Martin and  Zoe Beaton , Co-Wagon Masters
Christmas/Holiday Party - Location TBD